Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Weight Loss Wednesday

Three posts in one day? Yes. Don’t get used to it because It probably won’t happen that often…

Why three posts in one day?

Well I thought it would be a great idea to post the “My week in Instagrams” on Monday’s… Its Wednesday.  I know.  I’m playing a little bit of catch up with the blog because I’m just super excited to start getting into a few weekly themed posts to keep me active on this blog.

So the theme of my last Wednesday blog would be “Weight loss Wednesday”.  As you may or may not know, my sister’s wedding is quickly approaching (November 3rd to be exact).  So as you can imagine I’ve been trying to eat a little healthier in order to lose some pounds.  If you know me through Sparkpeople (I’ll get to that in a second), you know how much success I’ve had losing weight from March to May of this year.  Graduation, the cruise and starting a job have thrown me for a loop and I haven’t been eating as great as I should be. 

My thought was to start one day a week where I could share how my weight loss is going and any issues or struggles I’m having dealing with the process.  So I’ve created Weight loss Wednesday’s.  And I hope you enjoy reading about it!

So how am I tracking my weight loss?

When I had tremendous success before, I was tracking everything I ate on  It’s one seriously amazing website and if you haven’t used it before, I highly suggest you do. 

My Sparkname is: Antoszewskia

Anyway, while I tracked my weight loss on Sparkpeople, I attribute 90% of my weight loss to how I was eating.  I was following the Atkins Diet.  Basically I eat 20 grams or less of carbs a day.  I attribute the other 10% of my weight loss to sparkpeople.  I was super strict and followed it to the letter.  I measured every single table spoon or gram of food that went into my mouth.  By being so strict with my eating I shed a decent amount of weight in just 2 months. 

So my Wednesday blogs are going to devoted to my weight loss journey over the next few months.  Each week I’ll recap my calorie intake, including fat, protein, carb and fiber intake as well as any exercise I’ve done.  I’ll summarize my weight loss for the week and month. 
Today’s post will be considered day 1 of weight loss Wednesday so I don’t have any calorie intakes for the week. 

So the weekly blog post will look a little something like this:

Start Date: 7/25/2012
Today’s Date: 7/25/12
Weight lost: 0 lbs

Week Successes: Starting weight loss wednesday!

Week Struggles: Sugar Cravings!

Lessons Learned: Stay strict with my eating.

Goals for Next Week: Increase my water consumption.

1 comment:

  1. This is an awesome idea and I am definitely going to jump on this wagon with you! We both have weddings coming up this fall so we definitely have a reason (besides the obvious one to just be healthier) to get in shape. Looking forward to following your progress!
