Thursday, August 16, 2012

Life as a gimp

So today is day two of the boot.  When I got the boot the doctor said after the shot it should feel worse for a day or two and then start to feel better....well he was right.  Yesterday I struggled--- more like hobbled to get everywhere I wanted to go.  It's an odd feeling and very difficult to describe.  Before the shot I had a lot of swelling which was just really painful. When they put the shot in it is 1. Extremely painful and 2 just like fluid sitting in my foot which makes the swelling hurt worse.  From yesterday to today I feel like maybe I'm walking a little better and hurting a little less.  I'm just really worried for my marathon managing shift on saturday 8 a-11p and the fact that were going to the steelers game on Sunday.  Ill be crunching it out then... Too much walking for the boot.


  1. Good luck with the long shift on Saturday and the Steelers game Sunday with your foot!

  2. Aw I'm so sorry about all of the swelling and pain. I hope your foot is feeling better by the time you read this comment :)
